Sunday, June 03, 2012

What not....

Have I mentioned that Chuck is trying to kill me? 
And he's not even being particularly subtle about it either! 
That may be "slightly" misleading. 
You be the judge. 
Let me explain....

(looks like he's strapping on his pistol or something here eh?)
We have been out hiking most weekends for the last couple of months.
The above photo was from April, I think...
We were headed up to "Chinese Peak", 
(formerly the politically incorrect Chinks Peak.)
This trailhead is just a few miles from home. 

Within the first half hour on the lower part of the hike we saw these curious deer.

We hiked up for about an hour and came to the site of one of last years brush fires.

 Where we saw these lil flowers 
growing where they had spread straw to encourage new growth.
Looks like it works for flowers at least.
After an hour we saw our goal in sight. 
It looked a LOT closer than it was.
And less steep.
This was the goal.
Not "quite" as lovely as a mountain lake.
Here was the view from there.
(Yes, that is the "mini-dome" in the center- 
or the Holt Arena for the younguns).
And this.
(Scout Mountain).
And even this lil guy.

So, you may be asking (or not)
"Just what is all this hiking about?"
We are "preparing" for what I have christened the UDM. 

What does UDM stand for?

Ultimate Death March.

This extravaganza of foolishness is scheduled for the third week in July.
Location: California
Specifically: the Pacific Rim Trail.
8 days (hence 8 nights)
82 miles total distance
Maximum elevation :  14,000+
Peak of Mt. Whitney

Drew was the one who invited us to go.
In a moment of delirious optimism we agreed.
It is a "draw" hike and there was a chance he wouldn't draw.
He did.
I have seen videos and amazing photos from along the trail 
from hardy souls who have previously undertaken this venture.

My hesitation?
I may not look it, 
but I am no longer in my 30's, 
or even my 40's.
(I know. Shocking right?!?)
8 days carrying a 40 pound pack hiking an average of 10 miles a day, sleeping on the ground....
And did I mention I get altitude sickness?

If you look at those photos, and the videos you would understand the attraction.
It is AMAZINGLY pretty.
I "want" to go .
And I am "preparing".
But, I am worried and would hate to hold the group back
or have to be carted out on a donkey or some such silliness.
We will be doing a "test" hike here in a couple weeks above 10,000ft
That will determine whether I will be seeing those sights 1st or second hand.


So, what do YOU think?



Momma Salt said...

I think I will hike on over to the fridge and eat a bon bon while I admire your desire to go on a UDM.

Lost Woman said...

uuhhmm... I'm dubious having seen the aftermath of your altitude sickness and "intermittent coma" episodes.
It looks amaze. ING. But I understand your hesitation.

I'm with Momma Salt... headed to the fridge.