Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh Geeze...!!!

Well, apparently since I last posted blogger has updated it's system. 
And now I get to stumble through learning the new routine...

I'll use images from my visit to Mr. Lincoln
to learn the ropes.

Moments after his arrival he donned the new hat I brought for him.
Note the tummy sticker and chin bandaid covering a stitch
he had just gotten from a biopsy.

The trip to Dr. Rick was exhausting 
so he needed a little sustenance.
Some SERIOUS sustenance.
A "little" banana should do the trick. 

A dainty bite to start...

Good texture . . .
and flavor.

Ahh...that's better.

This calls for a little banana River dance.

 You may applaud gramma.

Pondering the wonders of a Cars puzzle.
(WHO can sit like that besides little kids?!?)

By the next morning after going through numerous bandaids 
he was roughing it sans chin covering, stitch hanging out
and ready to go for a walk wrapped in his penguin blanket.

That is until we got to a park where he ran...
to the playground equipment.
Posed for camera happy gramma.
Shot down the slide...
about 30 times in 5 minutes.

The park was right by this place with the nifty Addam's Family gate.

 Complete with creepy house

and spooky gazebo.

We also saw this cool wave house.
And some nice spring flowering bushes.
Once we got back Lincoln got busy with some sidewalk chalk.

 He proceeded to speed mark down the path.

 To the sidewalk.
 And down the block.

  He returned to add detail.

And a few finishing touches.
It was exhausting.
 Which called for another banana.

And a little lie down.
(And somewhere along the way he removed his stitch- fortunately sans blood ) .


 A couple of things. . .
I have no favorites when it comes to children or grandchildren.
I love each and everyone dearly.
If I could see all of them everyday I would be THRILLED!
However, distance, money and time constraints are a reality so...
I get to see some more than others.

I hope that they each know how very much they are loved 
by this crazy, photo snapping mom/gramma.

 I think I may actually like the new version of blogger.
It "seems" to download photos better :0)

(Not that I ever post any photos or anything.)


michandler said...

He is SOOO Tyson's kid! What a little cutie. It is nice that you have one so close. I am sure it is hard to have all the others so far away. It's always nice to be updated!

The Desiree said...

Oh all your grandkids are crack ups! What personality. I don't know where they get it from :)

I know how it feels sometimes with the loves. My parents can't win. They see me the most, so it just makes sense that sometimes I get the sort end of the stick when we get together. They cater more to my brothers and Alli because they don't see them as often. Sometimes I wish we lived further away just so they wouldn't take it for granted. But what can they do. It is what it is right. I know they love me, who knew it would be so hard?

Lost Woman said...

Oh that hat! Love it.
He must be wanting to emulate his dad, because I know very few toddlers who would be willing to don a hat like that for more than a few minutes.

IT is great!

Since I'm out of the facebook picture I'm really glad for all your posts of grandkids long or short.

I'm pretty sure your kids know how much you love them all.

Amy Wallace said...

Fun day with Mr. Lincoln.

My Angels said...

I love how you capture their personalities!

Thanks for your comments on my last post! I HAVE been comparing and didn't realize it!