Sunday, June 03, 2012

Paste Paper!!!

I am Sooooo glad to be done with school this year!
I could go on for WAY too long about the reasons why-
but won't. 
(You're welcome).

There will be the usual outdoors stuff - hiking, ATV,exercising...
And now that Chuck has taken down the "ghetto wall"

(the boards he put up to block the snow on the deck for winter).
I look forward to doing a few other things. 
Such as:
Listening to the creek, and singing birds,
playing Banagrams for one on the back porch

Making some new aprons.

 Justification for all the material I seem to be compulsively acquiring.

 Making stuff out of paste paper.

Man I LOVE making and playing with that stuff!

Like this art journal for Chloe's birthday.
('s a surprise!)
Justification for colored duct tape going on there.

Hopefully artwork of some sort...
be it doodling...

lesson planning...
Or making flowers out of recycled plastic soda bottles.

I'm hoping my arthritic hands will be up to all that because

We've already done a lot of limb lopping.

Oh, and there's the 6 books read for the summer goal.


And that doesn't even take into account seeing family and doing stuff with friends.

Looks like it could be a good summer.



Amy Wallace said...

Looks like it will be a fantastic summer. yay

My Angels said...

LOL, you have my girls drooling! They have been inspired and are busy busy in their sketch books as I type!)

michandler said...

That paste paper is really cool. Sounds like you already have your summer planned out for yourself. Fun stuff though.

Lost Woman said...

Hey... where is that batch of paper from? I'm jealous.. .maybe I can buy some off of you.

I'm excited to add to your summer fun time!!

jo said...

Sounds like a perfect summer to me :)

The Desiree said...

Sound like you deserve a good summer break.

I can't wait to see where you go, and what you do!