I just returned from the Wildhorse camping adventure. It was mostly a LOT of fun! Everyone seemed to get along well, no fisticuffs, swordfights or name calling ( well, not any serious name calling anyway). There was a little mudslinging done down by the creek and some serious attacks from marauding hordes of mosquitoes.
The reason I said “mostly” a lot of fun was because on Friday I rashly tried to kill myself by way of freezing water and heart attack. One of the little girls (5yrs?) decided she was old enough to jump into the beaver dam like her older brothers. First of all I have no idea how she got across the creek and to the jump off point without anyone seeing her, secondly, she had no life vest and thirdly (is that a word?) she is fearless to a fault. Her mom was not there and her grandpa told her not to jump. I could tell she would. So, I got up, dashed into the snow cold water and flailed my way toward her. I arrived at the deep part just as she leapt. She went under and came up sputtering, gasping for air. I nabbed her and tossed her toward one of her cousins who was fairly close by on an inner tube. She grabbed onto it and held on tight. Meanwhile, I was struggling to get my breath and keep my head above water. My arms, legs and body felt like lead weights and I could barely move. I seriously thought I might drown. I couldn’t catch my breath and kept going down. After what seemed like an eternity I finally told myself to just relax and tried to float – gasping the entire time. I could feel my heart racing and felt like I might pass out. And I actually thought,-“ Geeze, I could die right here in this stupid beaver pond with my family looking on.” I obviously survived – hence this gripping drama unfolding right here for your reading pleasure. It badly shook me up and I was shaky, exhausted and out of breath for the rest of the day.
Two things I’ve been pondering… #1)“Why did I feel compelled to go out there when I am such a crappy swimmer and her grandpa was there?” (For that matter why didn’t he go?) #2) my mortality. Kind of heavy duty for a vacation topic, but as I said it really shook me up .., and made me feel old and weary. Not exactly relaxed and refreshed as one might hope for. Ahh well…

Kelsey I will put on the pictures I took of the table and tile tomorrow. It is taking forever and a day for them to download.
Oh Inkom Crazy Lady, why are you so silly? I'm glad that you didn't drown in a beaver pond saving a little girl. That sounds like it was pretty scary. Do u remember when you saved me from drowning at a Holmes get-to-gether at lake 'whatever its called' in Washington when I fell off the silver bullet? Good times. Though I am proud of your heroism, please do be careful! I want my children to know their grandmother someday.
Wow Karen, these things always seem to happen to just you. I'm glad to hear you're ok, that sounds really scary. I think between my dad's outings and your other family travels you have had plenty of adventure this summer.
Karen!! You be careful. You are so generous to risk your life to save another. I am hesitant to share my watermelon with Jaron :) No really though- Who knows what would have happened if you weren't right there to save her--a few seconds could have meant life or death. Thanks for being such a great person.
ok, maybe I'm making it sound too dramatic. I think she would have been ok. It was me that was doing the struggling - I need to remember that I'm an old, chubby lady with poor swimming skills, not wonder woman with the endurance and body of a triathalete. I'll try to be more careful.
Hey Crazy Lady, I am forever grateful you risked your life to save my daughter. I'm also sorry as until reading your blog, didn't realize how scary it was for you. For the record Grandpa is not a swimmer at all and probably would have drowned or needed you to save them both. Love ya
Well, I suppose the truth of the entire matter could be that she never needed saving in the first place. I am just a worrier and obviously not as young fit, or smart as I should be. I had NO idea he couldn't swim, but then I guess none of us really had any swimming lessons so there you go! I guess what I gathered from all of this is that someimes I'm too " rash somehow I feel a need to "fix' things, whether they need to be fixed or not!
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