It’s Easter Sunday. It does, and it does not, feel like Easter. When I look out at my bright daffodils it does. When the SA women sang “I Wonder When He Comes Again” in church today it did. I think the only reason it did not was because I hadn’t prepared myself for it. And no, it wasn’t because I didn’t have a new Easter dress or shoes- though those things have always helped me get in the spirit in the past. Due in large part I’m sure, to the tradition my mom created for me and my 4 sisters growing up of making us lovely Easter dresses. . . sewing 5 Easter dresses. That’s enough to put you in “some” kind of a spirit! But, after church meetings today it has been much better. I don’t know how to explain it or even if I want to. I just felt a calm and lovely feeling. I know that I have a loving Father in Heaven and that he loves me and is aware of me and my family. It was nice. The weather was supposed to be exceptionally lovely – but, it has been chilly and a little overcast. Probably just as well or Chuck would have been out doing all sorts of yard work. Instead he and the cats are curled up on the bed taking a Sunday nap. I don’t actually have anything exciting to report other than a good feeling and that I’m loving the signs of spring as they show up bit by bit. The willows are starting to really green up and the crocus have come and gone and as I said the daffodils are wonderful this year. But then again so are the dandelions! If I think about all the dandelions that good feeling may go away. So let’s just pretend that all those yellow flowers on the front hill are ones I planted…Oh yeah, denial.
Well, I want all of my family and friends to know how much I love and appreciate them. You each have a special place in my heart and I am so grateful that you are a part of my life. No jokes, no sarcasm – just thanks! You make it all worthwhile.
Thanks mom, I love you.
Hi Mom,
I wanted to write you an email today but I dont know if the email I address I have for you is your new one or not. So I will post a comment on your blog instead. I have been thinking about you alot this week and I am sorry I have missed your calls the past two weeks. I will try to call and talk to you tonight sometime. I love you!
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