Ok I'm going to try, oh yet again to do something different with the post. I want to have some type "in between" photos. I know it can be done because I see Mel doing it all the time... I "should" be able to figure out how to do it "Ya think"?

Merry Christmas!
Yeah, I know it’s the middle of April but the last few days have been much more like Christmas than spring. I have been thinking about taking some photos of the lovely church across the street from the school during each season and decided I might as well take one today. I think the church is really a great piece of architecture with its stained glass windows and warm stone exterior. They do a great job providing some after school treats and activities for the high school kids as well. Anyway… this will most likely be a random mix of thoughts here. I really shouldn’t take time to write as I have a gazillion things to do. So, of course it’s avoidance.
It’s been an emotional roller coaster of a week so far. We went to Mackay on Sunday to see mom and dad and it was a great visit. They both looked good. It’s so wonderful that mom is actually able to do some things unlike several years ago when she was lucky to do anything more than sit in a chair. She has all sorts of little plants percolating in baby pots to be transferred to the greenhouse and outside (once it’s no longer winter). Dad told us about his trip to Florida with his 98 year old mother and sisters. Randy came over and we all had a really great visit. I was talking to someone the other day about how as a society it seems like we no longer have the time to just go and visit. I remember some great childhood times spent listening to my grandma and her relatives when they would drive from hours away and arrive unannounced to stay to visit for the day or longer. Seems like today we are lucky to have an hour or two to spare. Part of that disintegration of the family unit I suppose.
Monday we started on the block schedule to accommodate ISAT testing (don’t even get me started on stupid standardized testing as a means for accurately measuring knowledge!). I was in the middle of class when Chuck sent an email saying that a person had been shot at Virginia Tech where Jaron and Jenette are going to school. I immediately thought back to about a year ago when Jenette had been in lock down because an escaped convict was right outside her building and he had killed someone. It was only about 15 minutes until class break so I decided I would call Jaron then. I didn’t have a feeling of dread or anything but I was anxious to know that all was well. Jaron called me about 5 minutes later to let me know that they were both ok. He told me that there had been about 20 people killed. Then as things unfolded it was even more horrific with 33 people killed and many wounded.
In addition to that disturbing turn of events the trial of one of two youths who brutally murdered their “friend” and classmate here at Pocatello came to an end. I had had all three in classes and have dealt with a lot of conflicting emotions over the months since the incidence. Man, I really don’t think I can go into all of it here. I saw part of the video on the news they made before and after the killing and it REALLY upset me. Not that it was graphic or anything, but the total carelessness and disregard for human life made me sick to my stomach.
Ok, I’m changing the subject. I do have a TON to do and I kind of resent some of it. Not that anyone but me got me into this spot, but I’m feeling overwhelmed. I have to get ready for the art show at the mall and put it up Wednesday night after school. I have a mountain of paperwork crap that I need to wade through and we are on block schedule at school so I miss out on my prep period several days this week. Yikes! Then at home we are continuing work on the banister and railings which need to be sanded and several coats applied. Oh yeah, and then of course the exercise thing.
Fine then…I’m just going to take a couple of minutes and add a photo to this post that Melanie requested. It is an “unfinished” project that I have put about half an hour into (yes, I snuck some time) and is one of the sketches I did for a “create a creature”. This is the first one I have done that I have scanned in and am doing the coloring on the computer in Photoshop versus traditional color pencil on paper output. So, Mel- this one’s for you! It isn’t “traditional” art but it is something that I like to doodle with- and as I said it is unfinished. I’ll post it again when I finish it- a couple of years from now at the rate I’m going….
1 comment:
I LOVE IT! Thank you so much for that lovely drawing. i still can't believe YOU did that! not because you aren't good, but because i have the completely inablity to draw even a chair. Thanks for spending time on it for me. i miss you to pieces and don't get yourself overwhelmed. take it one day at a time, that's how i have kept my sanity, somewhat. i love you!
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