How is it that I'm getting farther and farther behind?!?
A little catch up is in order...

And it was beautiful to behold.

The next day, a nasty wind and all the pretty leaves were-
well...not so pretty, plastered to the ground.
And with fall comes...

Isn't this a cute little scene?
Not mine.
It's Angel's creation along with other cute items of decor.
She has a real knack for decorating for occasions.

I, on the other hand, am pretty handy
with a piece of sidewalk chalk.

That's right. I got to see Mr. Lincoln in all his crazy haired glory.

REALLY a fascinating show.
Grover, Cookie Monster, - Mr. Lincoln and Hector Scout.

Working on climbing skills- gotta rock climb with dad.

(Captain Kirk voice).

CircD'Soliel here I come!
(The back of his shirt says it all.)
Sugar Cookie "Edith Ann" Style...
Don't know what that means? ...
See images- "Laugh IN" Edith Ann/Lily Tomlin...
Duck and Goose are the best in Mickey PJ's with cars slippers.

it actually "fits" me!
That's the number 5 gramma.
Notice the crossed feet...
the legs are too long to bend under the tray.

Dapper, big headed boy who...

Nothing a little chocolate won't cure.
Ahh... a sugar induced coma...
Happy trails little dude.
I have MANY more photos to post -
visit to see new granddaughter Autumn...
Just need more time. but - this is a start right?!?
Fall... yeahh I remember what that was like. Long ago in another life. (:
People work long hours with balloons and friction to get the kind of hair action Lincoln seems to come by naturally. I think he might be lucky.
As for Edith Ann. It is a sad day when that reference is not commonly understood...but we may have reached that day. (i got it though!)
Thanks for the cute pics and fun update.
Travel well young jedi.
Fun update. Cute of photos of that adorable little guy. It's nice that you are so close. Can't wait to see photos of the new grandbabies.
What a crack up he must be! I absolutly love, love that costume! It is so adorable. None stop grandbaby fun.
I hope you are on your way to see baby Luke next. Can't wait for pictures!
What a lucky, lucky boy! I'm loving the sidewalk chalk fun is that to have outside your house for Halloween! Looks like they had fun at Disneyland....fall is a good time to go!
Good Times!
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