THIS is the "Autumn Rayne" I was referring to in the title...
Born Oct.30, 2010
7lbs. 2oz
Mom and daughter get along pretty well.
It helps when all she does is sleep and eat.
I never heard her cry the entire time we were there.
Big brother Dominik thinks she's pretty nifty.

She sleeps really well and when she's awake -
she's awake!
Grampa likes her.
Gramma likes her.
Who could resist a cute lil face like this?!?
Well, if there's cars around this guy can resist.
Now that mom's got a new baby and dad's off to Iraq
Dom is taking on his share of the household chores.
Testing the angles to get the best sweep.
Autumn pondering child labor laws
Of course it's not all work.
Here Dom prepares to wrestle gramma.
Hold this pose for a couple seconds-
then launch at gramma like a Tasmanian devil .
Good times.
She IS a little bit of a thing.
Check out her size compared to grampa's hand.
She's a keeper.

7lbs. 2oz

It helps when all she does is sleep and eat.
I never heard her cry the entire time we were there.

She sleeps really well and when she's awake -

Dom is taking on his share of the household chores.


Here Dom prepares to wrestle gramma.
Hold this pose for a couple seconds-
then launch at gramma like a Tasmanian devil .
Good times.

Check out her size compared to grampa's hand.

Oh my gosh, Autumn and her grandpa look an awful lot alike in that picture!
She is a pretty little thing.
How great you got to see them all.
She is so beautiful...We love baby girls..
Um, yeah I am with Celiac she does look and awful lot like grandpa. I must say she is cuter though, sorry Chuck. She is a muffin! She makes me excited to have mine!
Very sweet. She IS a bitty thing. That picture next Chuck's hand is crazy. Congratulations to Bri! How fun.
Congratulations. I thought the same as Celiac and Desiree
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