I think I missed something...
and it was August.
I do have a camera full of images from August.
So apparently I wasn't abducted by aliens or anything,
I just wasn't posting.
Soooo.... Let's just travel back in time a bit
and pick up where I left off...sort of.
The week after the "Life March" I went boating with the youth,
which is always a crazy/fun/what was I thinking? kind of experience.
Attended a wedding, went to two wedding
receptions, made a quick trip to Mackay to see family,
taught my Sunday lesson and dealt with some wild animal issues.
The usual...
Then I got ready for my trip to Texas to see "the girls".
And I have Soooo many photos of that - that I'm going to do a separate post...
(This one is already out of control.)
I'm skipping to when I arrived back from Texas for now.
This would be Tyson gamely posing for me at the entrance to his place of work.
It's a really sweet new building and he likes working there a LOT.
(Note the healthy lunch :0)
A view of the interior.
Tyson at his work area complete with Lincoln artwork.
He DOES have three screens hooked up
showing what the rest of us schmucks would have on one.
Hillary and her three little ones.
She is as bubbly and fun as ever.
And the beebs are as adorable as they look in the photo.
No matter how long it is between seeing each other
Pam and I always pick up like it was yesterday. I love her.
(Check out my choppers. Sheesh.)
Ok. This may not look like much.
But it is the result of two complete days of
organizing, tossing, rearranging and shuffling things.
My new and improved art workspace -
- with new shelving above the art table.
Not so TaDah!
Would be my finger after dropping a box of ceramic floor tile on it.

It hurt like none other and
I walked around holding it in the air
pretty much flipping people off for several days.

This is the nifty clothes drying rack my in-laws gave me in use,
along with some stuff hanging along the the top of the deck.
There is nothing like the smell of clothes that have been line dried.

I do have a camera full of images from August.
So apparently I wasn't abducted by aliens or anything,
I just wasn't posting.
Soooo.... Let's just travel back in time a bit
and pick up where I left off...sort of.
The week after the "Life March" I went boating with the youth,
which is always a crazy/fun/what was I thinking? kind of experience.
Attended a wedding, went to two wedding
receptions, made a quick trip to Mackay to see family,
taught my Sunday lesson and dealt with some wild animal issues.
The usual...
Then I got ready for my trip to Texas to see "the girls".
And I have Soooo many photos of that - that I'm going to do a separate post...
(This one is already out of control.)
I'm skipping to when I arrived back from Texas for now.

It's a really sweet new building and he likes working there a LOT.
(Note the healthy lunch :0)

He DOES have three screens hooked up
showing what the rest of us schmucks would have on one.

She is as bubbly and fun as ever.
And the beebs are as adorable as they look in the photo.

Pam and I always pick up like it was yesterday. I love her.
(Check out my choppers. Sheesh.)
Ok. This may not look like much.

organizing, tossing, rearranging and shuffling things.
My new and improved art workspace -
- with new shelving above the art table.
Not so TaDah!
Would be my finger after dropping a box of ceramic floor tile on it.

It hurt like none other and
I walked around holding it in the air
pretty much flipping people off for several days.

This is the nifty clothes drying rack my in-laws gave me in use,
along with some stuff hanging along the the top of the deck.
There is nothing like the smell of clothes that have been line dried.
Here are a few photos from the photo scavenger hunt
we did for mutual two weeks ago.
I got the idea from Celiac and the girls were CRAZY about it.
It WAS a lot of fun!
I'm not posting any of their faces
- but if you saw them you'd know they had a blast!
We cruised around looking for stuff in the Chuckwagon.
Remember the mention of wildlife?
Can I just say that I have trapped 2 skunks a night
for the last two nights to give you an idea
of just how much fun it is around here?!?

Fortunately a nice guy has come to dispose of them for me.
Though after being sprayed today
he may not be quite so willing to help out next time around...
Moving to a MUCH more pleasant topic...
This is Eliana.
Newest addition to the family.
Her daddy picked out this dress for her!
(She already has someone's number :0)
The handsome Whittier men - Korven and Drew.
The whole good looking clan.
Crazy gramma and lovely Eliana.
And last but not least...
I 'm going to train for the Portneuf half marathon next year.
After watching and cheering on friends - and strangers- on Saturday, I decided to go for it.
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to "run" the whole thing.
But, I AM going to do it. I told myself last year that I would do it - but didn't tell anyone.
So, I figure if I make it "public" I'll follow through.
We'll see how it goes this time next year....
and that's it for this marathon post...
(Whew! I'm exhausted I'd better go have a little lie down.)
we did for mutual two weeks ago.

It WAS a lot of fun!

- but if you saw them you'd know they had a blast!
We cruised around looking for stuff in the Chuckwagon.
Remember the mention of wildlife?

for the last two nights to give you an idea
of just how much fun it is around here?!?

Fortunately a nice guy has come to dispose of them for me.
Though after being sprayed today
he may not be quite so willing to help out next time around...

Newest addition to the family.
Her daddy picked out this dress for her!
(She already has someone's number :0)

And last but not least...

After watching and cheering on friends - and strangers- on Saturday, I decided to go for it.
Now, I'm not saying I'm going to "run" the whole thing.
But, I AM going to do it. I told myself last year that I would do it - but didn't tell anyone.
So, I figure if I make it "public" I'll follow through.
We'll see how it goes this time next year....
and that's it for this marathon post...
(Whew! I'm exhausted I'd better go have a little lie down.)
I've been wondering where you've been!
And yes, this was a mixed marathon post.. I have so many comments.
1- Note that Tyson has the exact same crooked not quite grin in both pictures.. are you sure you didnt' photoshop those heads? (:
2-I've seen your art room and this DOES look like TONS of work. It looks sooo great! Now to actually use the space. (did you find a box of a certain persons artwork?)
3-Dont know what to say about that finger, aside from ouch.
4-Glad your YW enjoyed their hunt. I'm sure it will become a perennial fav. I hope it did some of the bonding you were hoping for.
5- 2 skunks a NIGHT? WHAT? For real? You have two traps and are catching two a night? She said in horror and disgust. Where were they when Chuck was around? OY.
6-Eliana looks like such a little pixie. So cute. Congrats!
7- As for the half marathon...Not sure what to say since I find running in general repulsive. (Clearly when they were handing out the endorphin mix they forgot me.)
I do wish you well with YOUr endorphins.. and your knees, shin splints, back, heels, arches... (:
Looking forward to more catchup!
Wow, looks like you had a very buy yet fun August. I like Tyson's work place,looks so pretty and comfortable.
Aren't we so lucky having very kind in-laws? They are the best.
Hopefully next year in August you'll be posting pictures of visiting Sean, Pei-I and boys at MI. ^_^
One trap, two skunks per night...I think it was a family affair. I just hope that the end of the family. I didn't set the trap last night. I'm waiting for the odor to fade a bit - and to give Max, my skunk dealing buddy, a chance to recoup before I try again.
Pei, I DO hope that I'll be getting to see you at home in the near future. I want to make a trip with Chuck to see you and some church sites. We just have to get him through the next year and back home again and take it from there.
Aunt Karen -
I love your blog and I love you! Thanks for your comment on mine. It was so great to see you, too. I loved it and hope we get a chance to see each other again soon, too. Remember my house is open to you any time. :) I had to tell you I was just reading in my journal my mom kept for me when I was about 4 and she said you were so good to me and my favorite and I'd call you "My Aunt". Made me smile. I love you!
Holy, that is a month in a nut shell!
Glad Tyson likes his job, it makes a difference as we all know.
I am sorry that you smashed your finger. Do you think the nail will fall off? That is always my first fear. Middle finger with no nail yikes!
Drew's son is named Korven, I was thinking of that for my next. Jason nixed it, but he did like Corbin (weird). I love what they named their little girl, soo cute.
I have heard so many people have had trouble with skunks this year, those and raccoons. What is with that? Do they know something we don't, and are heading out of the woods? All I know is that they are hard to get rid of. Best of luck, and can't wait to see the post of the girls!
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