Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Back in the saddle again...

For those of you who know me it should come as no surprise that I have a gazillion pictures to choose from to post. But, it should also come as no surprise that I have no time to really post them. Hmmm... funny how that works.
The holidays were quite "unusual" for us this year. We started out with what we "thought" was food poisioning and by the time we realized it wasn't had passed it on to poor little Chloe and Leyla. They seemed to take it all in stride. Leyla would spew the contents of her stomach across whatever room she was in and look at you with stuff dripping from nostrils and mouth and cherrily say "Hi!". I can tell you that when I had just finished doing the same I was not cheery in the least. Once I finally got to where I thought I might just live I got a nasty sore throat which turned out to be strep. But, other than that silliness, it's been grand having family here. I LOVE seeing the grandbabies. We saw Dom, Korven and parental figures the first weekend (just before we got sick). And then Kels and the girls have been here since just before Christmas. They are very dramatic and hilarious and exhausting all rolled up in extremely cute packaging. They both LOVE grandpa. And when he's not around will consent to let me pick them up and read to them.
It's been great. Speaking of which, I'd better wrap this up and head home.

1 comment:

michandler said...

Can't imagine a more fun holiday (at least the non-puking part). Luckily for you the "parental figures" will no doubt be supplying you with more grandbabies to love in the future. It's nice that so many were able to be with you.