Apparently that's some redneck comedian quote? ... But, it also applies to the ceiling high stack of projects I need to get graded and the three tests I need to get written before semester finals next week.
So what am I doing?... posting a couple more pics of the grandbabies that's what!
Remember the post about quirks? Well Miss Chloe has taken the long sleeve, high collar thing to a new level. Notice the nice blue "slipperies" she is sporting on her feet. Sweet.
And here we have Leyla doing what she does best. Climbing - on any and everything.
Then we have smiley boy King Korven resting on grandpa.
gotta love chloe. and you could tell leyla is a brideworker's daughter. thanks for the post.
I think that is called avoidance, but then who wouldn't avoid doing yucky things like grading papers when grandbabies are around! Cute kids--good genetics I think!
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