Monday, March 24, 2008

Oh Baby!

This is what greeted me the morning of my arrival.Who can resist that kind of cuteness? Not me that's for sure. Miss Leyla is a sweet, smiley, little charmer. She is alert and watches everything very intently as if memorizing it for future use when she has a bit more motor control. Though for her age she's doing very nicely, thank you very much. She has a look about her that reminds me of Kelsey and sometimes Hillary (when they were babies of course). She is really a happy, content baby but when she wants something she has a good set of vocals to do the job.
She had me from the moment she laid those big peepers on me and smiled full dimples in view. She watches every move Chloe makes and wants to be right in the middle of the action.

Miss Chloe wasn't too sure about me for about the first 30 seconds. Of course, it was first thing in the morning and I have to admit I don't always look my best at that time. She looked at me pretty solemnly as I held Leyla, and finally pronounced "Gasses" No, not gas... She has an obsession with glasses, and the "gl" sound is a little tough for her to wrap her tongue around. She has a great vocabulary and doesn't hesitate to use it. She is also a jabberer. It sounds like she's talking full bore in Japanese, Tongan or something. She's fascinated with eyes,(and noses, ears, mouths...) and loves to point them out.
We went out to get a few things for Easter on Saturday and in the process we came across some oh so stylish sunglasses for her. Oh man, she was in diva heaven from the get go. She wears them upside down, right side up, on the top of her head, the back of her head, folded on the front of her face and hanging under her chin. When we go for a walk in the stroller she has them on and doesn't take them off til we're done. No crow's feet for her.
I am lovin every minute I get to spend with those two!
And let me tell you about Miss Kelsey... She is a marvel. When I got here on Friday night she had just finished painting the front room after having struggled with congestion and aching ears all week. She is one determined girl. She handles the girls with so much love and patience, but doesn't let Chloe get away with her drama. (And she does have that.) Kelsey is really good at making sure they eat well; fruit, veggies, protein and limits the sugar and sweets. Though Chloe loves her treats (she does take after her mom and gramma a bit) I have watched her multi-task and accomplish so much in just the short time I've been here. It's easy to forget how much work and time 2 little ones can take and doing such a grand job of it while maintaining her schooling and good grades is amazing plain and simple. She looks terrific too! Her exercise program is really paying off and she has things organized so she can continue to work on things at home, school and personally. My hat is off to her. I know you're not supposed to say how "proud" you are, because pride is a sin... - but, I AM so impressed and pleased, and yes, proud of the things she is accomplishing and the talents she has and the wonderful person she has become. She is kind and thoughtful, and creative and generous. So, I guess I'll just go to hell because I AM proud of all my kids. There I've said it. I'm doomed. Oh well, I'm pretty sure I won't be alone there cause there may be a "few" other people out there who think their kids are terrific.
Well, this post has taken me all day to get ready to publish (yeah, I'm not as good at the watching the kids and doing 3 other things at once. So, I'm going to go for now, but hope to be able to get back and publish more from my visit here.
And THANKS Chuck for being so supportive about me coming down here. You are the BEST!


Lost Woman said...

Lovin the glasses!
It sounds like a great visit. I love hearing the updates on the girls. All 3!
Kelsey is a wonder in my mind, so to have you confirm it in the flesh makes me certain it must be so. Soak it all in and make it last. It will fly by!

Brianne said...

Glad to see you're having a good time. Hope you have a good trip home and Dom and I will see you at the baby shower.

michandler said...

Glad you are enjoying your visit with Kelsey (although I suspect it is almost over). Those certainly are cute grandbabies. And yes, Kelsey is amazing. She is definitely a go-getter--takes after someone else I know--wonder who??

Diann THE Chief Mommio said...

Hi! The girls are so adorable! I am thrilled that Kelsey enjoying motherhood and doing it so well! You are a great mom too Karen so Kelsey has a fabulous mentor in you. I am proud of my kiddos too, so I guess we will be together for company in the hot place.....