Friday, March 07, 2008

Need a smile?

Chuck sent me this photo a while ago and when I'm feeling kind of overwhelmed, frazzled or just plain grumpy all I have to do is think about it and it makes me smile. It came under the title of "Another Chinese toy recall". Now don't get me wrong, I do NOT wish danger, violence or destruction of little children, or anyone for that matter. I have however, been known to laugh at things that "perhaps" I should not. Go to Jenette's or Mel's blog and check out two videos clips in recent days. Yeah, I laughed uncontrollably at both the staggering model and the fall of the grape lady. I admit it. I love to laugh. Though I never found funny the weekly parade of men getting hit in the genitals on America's Funniest Home Videos, I do enjoy seeing some of the other silly things that we humans get ourselves into.
I don't really have anything profound to report today. I stayed home yesterday with a migraine, and by noon it was under control, so I finished up some painting of the "other" spare bedroom upstairs. It is green and a bit darker green. I wanted it to be peaceful and serene. I'm afraid I may have gone outside my bubble of comfort. But, it is growing on me (the color not the bubble). Either that or I just don't want to repaint it. Tyson's photos look really nice against the darker green wall and the sheer drapes with the lovely green leaves stand out a lot better against the lighter green wall. So, yeah, it's going to stay that color for awhile. I think I may take the extra gallon of light green and mix it with a gallon of white to use on the remianing basement walls. That way I'll have two gallons of light paint and I'll be in my comfort zone again - pale shades. You'd think as an art teacher I would be all over the trend for color and drama. Not so much. I guess the mom effect just hasn't worn off me enough. I'll take some pics and post them when I get home (assuming the bi-polar computer decides to work). Then you all (all 3 of you who visit my blog) can give me your opinion on the colors.


Lost Woman said...

Alright now I'm bitter. As one of the "3" readers of this blog I have been attempting to leave a clever and insightful comment only to have "error" show after I attempt to publish!
Short hand:
Looking forward to the pics of green walls.
Stupid enough not to notice the grater until I read the blog.

Kelsey said...

Without the caption, the picture is a little morbid, but with it- hilarious!

oscar said...

This picture is hilarious!! Thanks for making me laugh and I am glad you laugh at things we probably shouldn't find funny. Hope your computer chills out and decides to work! "But I still love technology always and forever" :)

michandler said...

Okay, this are 4 comments already so you have more than three readers! And since mom is looking over my shoulder right now that makes 5! We both laughed right out loud at the cheese grater. Mom says it's going to take more than one gallon of white to put the color where you want it--she guarantees it! (She should know being an expert and all). Will look forward to the pix though. Thanks for the laugh! (Mom & Miste)