They're here.

So, when I got home yesterday after an insane day with about a gazillion interruptions there it was! The New cabinets! They are just lovely! Ole Hal may have taken twice the time he said, but he does nice work and it is just as I had imagined it would be! He was just putting in the last few touches and the knobs on.
Below you can see how nice the back of the divider counter is. Chuck seemed to think that the counter looked like the prow of an aircraft carrier (or something like that, I can't remember excactly what he said?) Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the way it helps to make the transition into the kitchen. Plus, it's a ton more storage AND there is the eating at the bar option!!! I don't know why I've always wanted to have one and hadn't had it until now. Who knows if we'll even use it much. But, it's there to be used!

Look how much more counter space I have!!! You can also see the side of the new cabinet that houses the microwave. I forgot to take a photo of that angle with the new cabinet. I'm SO excited to finally have it in! He did a great job and I can't wait to organize and figure out what goes where. Then of course it's on to the flooring.

So, after all the excitement of the cabinets we went to see the Broadway production of Cats that Chuck had gotten tickets for way back in Novemeber.I was a little worried when we got the tickets that I would lose them. I know, strange to think that I could EVER lose anything...But, I stuck them on the corkboard in the kitchen and there they stayed until we started to tear down walls. The corkboard came down but I left the tickets on it. It was in the back bedroom. When I went to get the tickets I thought they weren't there. I couldn't see them. Then I realized that the black things at the bottom were the tickets. Somewhere along the line they must have gotten hot or in the sun or "something". They were almost entirely black. The backs were fine. You could faintly see the imprint on the front. Yeah. So, I was a bit worried that we wouldn't be let in. It was in the Holt arena and when we got inside the guy looked at them pretty closely but DID let us in. Whew! The show was fun! I wouldn't say that the Holt is the best place for the show, but with the binoculars Chuck brought it was great. We were directly in front of the stage so it was a good view. Well, that's about it for the excitement here. Hey, did I mention that I"m excited about the new cabinets? I did? Yeah, well, I am. :0)
They are so pretty! You are one lucky lady!
looks great. i hope you feel all the hard work paid off now. looks like it did! can't wait to see it in person.
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