the grass is riz,
wonder where the flowers is?
NO, that is not my poem (I wish!). It is from a piano song from when I briefly took lessons in the olden days (4th grade?). There actually is more to it but I forget-a tragedy indeed. There are a few stray bits of verse floating about in my noggin that surface unexpectedly. Like “Witches sailing through the sky, black cats howl as they go by, duh dah, duh dah, duh dah dah… for this is Halloween” I can usually remember the first two lines and one of the chorus. Unlike Cerese who can quote line and verse of most any song from the 60’, 70’s or 80’s. She, and Roberta and Gordon are blessed with remarkable memory skills. I find it remarkable if I can remember anything. Anyway, that witches sailing through the sky classic is the first piano piece I took it upon myself to memorize (well after chopsticks that is). I can still play a couple of measures of it. If you come to my house I’d be happy to crank it out for you. No Kelsey, not like I showed how I could still kick above my head.
So, I decided I’d take a couple of photos of the spring greenery because I wanted to go outside. I actually really love the view from the back porch. If the neighbors would just park their massive trailer at the back of their house instead of the front it would be a pretty idyllic little farmhouse snapshot with the lovely little barn. But Noooo… ah well. We do have the neighbor’s horse in the pasture now who delights in rolling around and frolicking in the grass (the horse, not the neighbor – though who knows for sure what goes on in the pasture at night?!?).

Well take a gander at the view out our front window... Lovely hillside, a few brave tulips, massive dandelions,some sagebrush and what appears to be a horse with a double chin, which is actually two horses. One standing directly behind the other. I mean, you just can't pay for a view like that! I'm sure it's making Kelsey and Jaron more homesick by the moment. Oh yeah, Jaron's living it up in New York this weekend. No homesickness for that boy.

I spent most of the last 3 days cooped up in the Pine Ridge Mall at our annual District art show. We had quite a good turn out considering the great weather outdoors. I know I wouldn’t have been in there if I didn’t have to be. It’s always fun to see which students , parents and administrators show up.
Chuck is currently in “Guernsey, Wyoming”. Yes, Guernsey, as in the cow. For whatever reason, that just strikes me as hilarious. He always wants to be out in the country. Well, he should be very happy for the next few days. It is training base and he is staying in a converted farm house. He’s there for the Northwest States officer/ NCO competition. He’s on the judging board. So, Jenette and I are both living it up while the ole ball and chain are off having fun.
I wish I had a good story to tell like Jenette’s plastic bag lady in her office. My life is too boring for that. Though I think I prefer boring to a baby with a blistered throat and double ear infection like Kelsey is dealing with right now. So, I’m not going to complain.
I’ll close with this last bit of rhetoric that is running through my head since I started to dredge up childhood memorization… ahem,
I hate he, I hate he,
I wish him were died,
Him said him loved I,
But oh how him lied.
Him is gone, him is went
Him has left I all alone……
(And I forget the rest….see when I do remember something it’s only in part, yeah, totally useless :0)
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