Take a gander at the double chinned, red faced,chubby cheeked baby here. I had to get a baby picture for literary club and pulled this one out of a file that has me and my two older siblings in it. Now, I'm not sure if it was hot at photo time or whether the redness is from the film development, chapped cheeks or??? Nevertheless, the size of those cheeks are not a result of anything the camera person did. It's genetics pure and simple. As I was trying to adjust color and get a decent print out it occured to me with simple finality - no matter how much I might exercise, diet, tone etc. I will always have the same genetic physical make up. Makes me want to go and eat a big helping of mashed potatoes and gravy with a berry cheesecake chaser. Of course it didn't help that I had just gotten back from a torturous 5 mile walk/run where I felt like I was going to pass out or puke from heat and tiredness. I know I feel better when I exercise - well, maybe not exactly "while" I'm exercising, but the results are beneficial. I guess I am at a point where I have reached a plateau, I haven't lost any more weight, I am not willing to run more than 20 miles a week to push through it. I don't have the time OR the energy. I think I need to change up what I'm doing, but find I don't have the desire. I guess I'm looking for some kind of justification to cut back, and in reality I know that I really need to continue. I don't want my blood pressure to go any higher and I DO want to feel good. I just need some kind of a boost to get me back on track. I just wish the potatoes and cheesecake were the answer it would be so much easier. Ahh well... wah, wah. I
AM grateful for the incredibly strong body I was given. I am not bragging, simply stating fact. I am stronger physically than the majority of women. I have always been able to work right alongside men and carry my share of the load. Not exactly feminine, but when it comes time to move a piano, I'm your girl. (Just ask Chuck, we moved ours last weekend and it's a heavy bugger.) I can tell that as I'm getting older I am indeed losing some of my muscle tone and I'm a little less inclined to push myself as hard. I think the arthritis in my hands has been a wake up call. It's interesting to take a step back and recognize some of the things that I have taken for granted - strength, testimony, intelligence and see how they seem to become more fluid and changeable as time goes by. Don't get me wrong - it isn't all bad! I am thankful for the tempering of opinions based on experience, the ability to recognize the role that patience and love play. I am SO grateful for the people who have blessed my life and the things that they have shown me about what really matters. And I can tell you it is NOT how you look in a swimsuit! Well, I suppose that is enough babbling for one day. To my family and loved ones I say "Thanks for your love and acceptance!" You are my life and give it meaning.
that is one of the cutest pictures i have ever seen! love it!
Hey mom. I know I inherited a lot from you and I like to think I'm one tough cookie, but I know I'm not even half as strong as you were at my age. That's a great ability; you don't have to wait around for men to help you lift heavy stuff. Nobody likes waiting around for men.
Hey Karen, I know what you mean with the genetics. I guess we just have to accept the things we can't change and improve the things we can change. It sounds like you're doing great with the workouts though, so keep up the good work!! Even if the scale won't budge, at least your heart is reaping the benefits. I'm assigning you the position or workout motivator because I need to lose this baby weight. =0)
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