Another super bowl come and gone… I would have to say that my favorite commercial was the beard comb over for Sierra Mist Soda. Though students have been talking about the Snickers one all morning. I saw the tail end of that one where the two guys were ripping out chunks of chest hair and without the first part of the commercial it didn’t have much appeal for me. None of the rest stood out in my mind. I DID like the way the game started with a touchdown on the very first play. The rain made for a lot of turnovers and some interesting plays.
The house project is slowly coming along. We still have several spots with bare wires dangling from the ceiling but Chuck has actually gotten a fair amount of the electrical work done himself. He has spent time scuttling around in the crawlspace amidst insulation and who knows what kinds of critters, poking, prodding and eventually connecting wires so that lights and plugins work. All of that without the benefits of an electrical current surging throughout his body. Bonus. The electricians are supposed to come today to help him finish up. We bought some new light fixtures and I’m excited to see how they will all look. That could be in the far distant future though as drywall, texturing and patching come first. And let’s say that drywall installation is a chore. Chuck says mud and texture will cover up a multitude of cracks and crevices. And he IS right – but not without a TON of work. Ahh well…
I told Kelsey that I would post a picture of the tile we got for the kitchen. It is really hard to describe a piece of tile. I took the photo and it looks “sort” of like it does. Though there is a lot more subtle green and blue in the actual tile. In the photo it kind of looks like a closeup of somebody with a contagious skin condition… I actually think the tile will look good and hopefully it will not show the dirt. That’s the plan anyway.
The other photo I’m going to post is one of Chloe first thing in the morning that I asked Kelsey to take for me. She is SO happy and when she see you she about turns herself inside out smiling. She quivers and stiffens her arms and legs as if to say “Hey! Here I am!! I’m So cute, I Know you are going to Pick me up!!” And she is so cute that she is right. You do. I miss her. Well, my time is about up and that’s enough anyway…
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