Now, I'm taking a chance here and going to try AGAIN to post a picture.. The first one is of Chloe on one of her first forays into the blissful world of the Johnny Jump up. Jaron, Tyson and Kelsey all spent many happy (? they seemed happy)hours in their babydom in said device flailing,frantically contorting, springing and most likely getting frustrated beyond comprehension while ole mom was trying to get stuff done... It was good times for those babies. Hopefully Chloe will develop the same enthusiasm and skill as her mom and uncles...
Cerese I have to apologize, I don't have the pictures I promised I would post available. They are here in the hotel room with me, safe and secure on the memory card in my pocket- I just don't have a card reader to download them. So... I am going to just post (try to post) two pictures that I have saved on this computer to experiment with placing photos.
The one of the waterlillies is one that I goofed around with in Photoshop - nothing really special. But, hopefully, a bit better than just the sample photos from the my photos file...
Ok, that is really more than enough. I haven't a clue how I managed to get the stuff I did where it is, nor do I care... I'm tired, you're dozing - the experiment is over! Hopefully without the loss of too many brain cells in the bargain. (yours, mine or both)
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