Saturday, February 18, 2012

Another Month- Another Trip South...

We had so much fun on our trip to Moab last month
Chuck made plans for another this month.
This time to Zion's National Park. The forecast was for temperatures in the 60s. It was just perfect weather, The trail in was rather steep- but gorgeous.There were some nice little caves and some crazy rock formations.
And even though it is still winter...some flowers!
There were some icy steep switchbacks that were rather treacherous. But the view from the top was fantastic!
We were expecting some winter weather with possibly "some" snow. and we got more than we bargained for...It was Soooo pretty... But after about a mile of sloughing through snow up to our knees...We headed back down. down... And more down... And there were amazing views...
All along the way...
We also went for a walk along the river bottom, saw some deer, rock formations...And great views...
And no near death experiences. All in all a successful day.


Lost Woman said...

Those views with that skiff of snow are amazing. It must have been stunning in real life.

The down down is the part that looks scary if it was icy.. the up up, is what would have kept me from getting to the down down.


very cool.

Lost Woman said...

ps. what's up with 2 confirmation words in the comment section? It took me 5 times to get one set right because they were so hard to read.

Not that it is your fault.. I'm just observing.

Hope I have more luck this time

Amy Wallace said...

We love Zions! All levels of hikes and so beautiful. Good for you.

The Desiree said...

Hey it looks like you guys had more fun than I did when I went to Zions.

I'm starting to think you enjoy yourself more than I do, because you have a good attitude.

Well you deserve it!