Monday, September 03, 2012


I "started" this post a while ago...(I titled it). 
This was going to be a very laid back summer. 
And it has been, if you call going from one activity/place to another
 so fast your head spins.
 And it's been grand.
And yes, 
I've got the photos to prove it.
Just not an abundance of time to organize and show them all.
(I know, you're breathing a sigh of relief there...)

We started out the summer with a test run camping trip in this bad boy.
Those of you who know Chuck KNOW there is a story behind this purchase.

Beautiful misty morn in Iron Bog.
There was some snow involved.
Which got deeper as the day went by.
We went til we thought we might get stuck.
Then we turned around and called it good. 
Packed up and headed for home.
BUT, we did get out and it was fun. 

The first week after school was "officially" over I "got" to attend a class at ISU for the week. 
It was one of those acronym classes that are so popular in education...TIA
Total Instructional Alignment. 
TWT should have been the name (total waste o time)...
But, I got some credits toward re-certification 
and didn't have to write a paper or anything so it was "fine". 

The next week Celiac and I set off for a week in Wildhorse in the motorhome.
I haven't named the motorhome yet. 
Chuck says it needs to be something that doesn't have his name in it 
because we have had the chuckmobile, and the chuckwagon...
I haven't decided what to call it yet,
other than perhaps the beast 
because it is ridiculously enormous. 
Especially when you take it into the Idaho camping realm.
Which is what we did.
We started out in grey weather which quickly changed to sprinkles 
and by the time we got to the basin we were in full on snow storm.
The beast lumbered through it pretty well (weight DOES have its advantages at times). 
But, Celiac was having a spot o trouble with her 2 wheel drive vehicle.
Spot being defined as slippin all over the road 
and covering said vehicle with heavy mud up to her windows.
We opted for a safe little locale for the first night 
and woke up to sparkling clear skies.

 And this handsome fella.
 There were some wild iris
Mom called these flags.

We had them at the ranch in our fields by the creek. They always make me think of her.

From there we set out for Wildhorse and the "dream" campsite.
It was occupied that night but I went down and visited with the occupants
 and found out they were there for only one night.

So from night three til the end of the week we were in the golden site.
We spent considerable time lounging about, walking, hiking,
taking photos (yeah- I have over 700),
 making mostly veggie meals and all in all having a glorious time.

(This is my "first " of MANY shots of this particular spot)
Celiac has MUCH better-
but I'm satisfied with my limited attempt to capture the early morning calm.

I will spare you the 700+ photos  and limit the showing here to a select few.
But have to say Celiac did show me some pretty cool things about my camera
and I got some nice shots that will be a great reminder of our trip.
Here are a few...
Second morning view.

It was COLD enough to form ice on the creek that first day!

 Here's part of the reason she gets such great shots- she'll go "wherever" to capture them.

 This is a shot of our "mystery Dr. Suess" flower.
They are really cool looking and we spent considerable time
going though the 672 page wildflower book Drew & Alicia gave me to no avail.
Ann & Randy came to visit for dinner one night and Ann was determined to find it.

And find it she did! on page 485
The elusive prairie smoke aka  water avens.
 Do you get  the Suess reference?

 It was incredibly green and lush-
perhaps the snowfall the first day had a bit to do with that?

Purple spike flower-
found the name but not going to take the time to look it up again right now...
 LOTS of photos of water- but I really love this one with the lil bird.

rocks and water...
 More rocks and water...
 more blooms...

 yet MORE rocks and water!

One final view of the Suessical flower.

It was an amazing week and I believe we are going to make it an annual event.
(you have hereby been forewarned).


My Angels said...

Can't wait to hear about the rest of your summer adventures!

Lost Woman said...

I'd forgotten you had snow on your weekend with Chuck too!

What a great week we had... and I'm counting on it becoming a tradition.
Maybe the motorhome will become the Chickmobile?