So, just a heads up...
If you're looking for great literary content -
this is NOT gonna be the post for you.
If you're looking for amazingly cute little boys
with the occasional good looking parent thrown into the mix scroll on...
This is "almost" the look Jayden gave me

(I'll spare you viewing an image of that - use your imagination.)
Luke was receptive from the get go.

(the crazy faces worked for him too.)
We spent considerable time at various parks to get some crazies out...

He leaves no stone unturned when it comes to exploration.

At the miniature golf course
he knew just what to do with all those holes.

multiple times.

Jayden likes to swing.

He is a natural explorer

He tends to get totally immersed in things.

The windup.

They come by the skills naturally.
Dad demonstrated his prowess.

Long distance.
Like I said - skill.
Time for some cerebral pondering

And then on to new adventures.

Luke waited patiently with mom.

The new apartment has lots of space for wiggly boys.

Luke enjoys just chillin.

Juggling cups.

and he is
"The Train Whisperer"

You decide.

And while Jayden is a man of action...

He does have his concentration times.
Which can be very intense.
Video entertainment times...
(preferably with trains)
or double seating.
His quiet times.
Often with some encouragement from dad.
All of which require occasional fueling stops.
Or individually administered.
Back off gramma!

(preferably with trains)

His quiet times.


(yeah- it took me two weeks to get this post finished...I'm cool that way.)
Thanks for posting Mom. Those are some great pics. It was wonderful to have you out here.
I SOOO LOVE seeing these pictures! Thank you for sharing!
What charmers! (parents too)
Those big blue eyes on both the boys are too much.
You must have hated to leave.
Hope to see them all in the flesh before they are all grown up!
Cute pictures of the boys!! How much fun! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Aren't grandbabies the best? I sure miss mine and we just got back from seeing them.
I can't believe I missed these when you posted them! I check all the time. Cute, cute boys. Luke is a ringer for Jaron. Looks like you had an awesome trip.
Cute little boys. Busy little boys! How nice you got to go out and visit! You are cool that way!
Okay there must be some strong jeans there, because I swear both those boys look just like Jaron! Maybe it's because I just saw him, I don't know but they really do. They are so cute and so different.
I love that Luke and Beckett are about the same age because I can totaly picture him doing those things.
Sorry it has taken me so long to read this post, it's a good thing you haven't posted anything else or I would have missed it!
Oh, I also wanted to see if Janette was in that Earthquake? If so hopefully everything was fine.
Love seeing you!
I meant genes not jeans. I rock!
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