About a year ago I decided to change some of my health habits.
One main factor was upping my exercise levels.
I haven't ever really had a problem with exercise in the summer,
but winter is another story entirely.
Last fall I set a goal and committed to run in the
2011 Portneuf Gap half marathon in September 2011.
My friends Toni and Jeff encouraged me to sign up for a spring race to help me keep on track during the winter. So, I signed up with them for the Moab half marathon in March. The shirt pictured above hung in my kitchen by the laundry as a reminder and if it weren't for it's presence I KNOW I would have stayed in bed many a dark, cold winter morning.
It seemed like March was a LONG ways away.
But, it crept up and before I knew it it was race time.
Even though several people told me it wasn't a good idea,
I had Chuck drive me over the course the night before
so I would have an idea of what to expect.
I'm glad I did because I was worried about hills
(as well as that whole 13.2 mile distance thing.)
At the drop off site we saw this cute lil guy.
The blue bird of happiness. A good omen right?
I wasn't worried so much about being able to go the distance because I had done it before on my own. I was worried because I found out that they close the road along the river for the race and if you aren't at a certain point when they open it back up there is a "sweeper vehicle" that will come and pick you up and you don't get to finish...
I am NOT a fast runner.
In fact I'm sure there are long legged people who can speed walk much faster than I run/jog.
So, I was worried that I would get "swept up" and not get to finish the race.
I was SO wound up I couldn't sleep
- plus I had a Lady Gaga song stuck in my head which didn't help a whole lot.
We loaded onto the buses which ferried us up to a drop off point.
The row of portapotties at the drop off was in constant use right up to race time
- Apparently I wasn't the only one with some nerves.
The race actually started up a ways beyond the drop off point
- but you can get a feel for the road we would run on.
It really was a beautiful day and other than some pretty windy patches
the weather was great for a run. (Much better than in Idaho).
My goals for the race were:
#2 Stay ahead of the sweeper vehicle
#3 Run the entire way
(I was afraid if I walked I wouldn't get started again).
#4 Finish under 2hrs. 45 min.
(I told you I'm a slow runner).
So- if I was to beat the sweeper, not walk and finish under 2-45
- I would NOT be using one of the blue portapotty beasts alongside the road.
It was interesting to see how different people ran.
Some sprint and walk. Some jog and run. And there were people of all ages and sizes.
The hardcore people were off in the distance before I even got across the start line.
And I was fine with that.
The people watching and changing scenery and light made the road go by a bit faster.
I was pretty excited to make it to the cut off before the sweeper.
At that point I only had about 1 1/2 miles left to go.
No sweat.
And it was level or slightly downhill too.
But, I was starting to run out of energy.
The last block before the finish was longer than the rest of the 12 3/4 miles.
I was SO pooped I thought I would have to break down and walk.
But I was danged if I would wuss out with the end in sight.
I met my goals.
My official time was 2hr. 37min.
After I crossed the finish line and started to walk it all caught up with me.
I was dizzy - weak and spent. I staggered around for a bit.
Got some orange wedges and liquids and ultimately had to lie down for awhile
or I would have passed out.
I DID finally get to use one of the blue "elite"thrones.
We all made it.
And I even saw a friend from work who came and ran in the race as well.
One main factor was upping my exercise levels.
I haven't ever really had a problem with exercise in the summer,
but winter is another story entirely.

2011 Portneuf Gap half marathon in September 2011.
My friends Toni and Jeff encouraged me to sign up for a spring race to help me keep on track during the winter. So, I signed up with them for the Moab half marathon in March. The shirt pictured above hung in my kitchen by the laundry as a reminder and if it weren't for it's presence I KNOW I would have stayed in bed many a dark, cold winter morning.
It seemed like March was a LONG ways away.

Even though several people told me it wasn't a good idea,
I had Chuck drive me over the course the night before
so I would have an idea of what to expect.
I'm glad I did because I was worried about hills
(as well as that whole 13.2 mile distance thing.)

The blue bird of happiness. A good omen right?

I am NOT a fast runner.
In fact I'm sure there are long legged people who can speed walk much faster than I run/jog.
So, I was worried that I would get "swept up" and not get to finish the race.
I was SO wound up I couldn't sleep
- plus I had a Lady Gaga song stuck in my head which didn't help a whole lot.
We loaded onto the buses which ferried us up to a drop off point.

- Apparently I wasn't the only one with some nerves.
The race actually started up a ways beyond the drop off point
- but you can get a feel for the road we would run on.

the weather was great for a run. (Much better than in Idaho).
My goals for the race were:
#2 Stay ahead of the sweeper vehicle
#3 Run the entire way
(I was afraid if I walked I wouldn't get started again).
#4 Finish under 2hrs. 45 min.
(I told you I'm a slow runner).

- I would NOT be using one of the blue portapotty beasts alongside the road.

Some sprint and walk. Some jog and run. And there were people of all ages and sizes.
The hardcore people were off in the distance before I even got across the start line.
And I was fine with that.

At that point I only had about 1 1/2 miles left to go.
No sweat.
And it was level or slightly downhill too.

The last block before the finish was longer than the rest of the 12 3/4 miles.
I was SO pooped I thought I would have to break down and walk.

I met my goals.
My official time was 2hr. 37min.

I was dizzy - weak and spent. I staggered around for a bit.
Got some orange wedges and liquids and ultimately had to lie down for awhile
or I would have passed out.

So, the bluebird of happiness WAS indeed a good omen.
Do I want to run again?
The face says it all.
I think it's a little like having a baby-
right afterwards you NEVER want to go through that again...
But, the sense of accomplishment was tremendous.
Not to worry though - I won't be going all race crazy -
I am still planning to do the Portneuf Gap 1/2 marathon in September.
But, that will probably be the extent of the half marathon silliness.
I'd like to do some 10K races just to keep me on the track with my goals.
But I don't want to ruin my knees -
and to be honest I MUCH prefer walking to running.
Do I want to run again?

I think it's a little like having a baby-
right afterwards you NEVER want to go through that again...
But, the sense of accomplishment was tremendous.
Not to worry though - I won't be going all race crazy -
I am still planning to do the Portneuf Gap 1/2 marathon in September.
But, that will probably be the extent of the half marathon silliness.
I'd like to do some 10K races just to keep me on the track with my goals.
But I don't want to ruin my knees -
and to be honest I MUCH prefer walking to running.
i LOVED this post, Aunt Karen!!!!! You are an amazing lady and I'm sure those other races were eating your dust. Just reading that you made me believe that I could run a 5K, which is on my bucket list because I am NOT a runner, at all. Congrats to you for finishing and for staying ahead of the sweeper and for coming in ahead of your goal time by several minutes. You rock!
I'm a bit tired just reading about it!
You reached all 4 goals, Hurrah!!... but have to say a good sweeper story could have been very entertaining too.
Karen! How exciting for you! Way to Go!
I want to be you when I grow up...I really do! :)
Okay, that was faster than I did the last Seattle half-marathon I did so I'm not sure why you were worried about the sweeper getting you! You are impressive. I thought I was done when I had done two 1/2s myself, but got drawn into another one. After that experience I am definitely done with the whole marathon running thing. My knees and hips can't hack it anymore. Nice to get the little run down (no pun intended) of your run. You look awesome!
WOW I am impressed. I helped with a half marathon and handing out the orange slices and water. Watching the people stagger in such exhausted beat up condition helped me decide that I prefer cheering for those who complete the race. HURRAH for you!! GREAT JOB!!
You inspire me!
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