You know that saying about the best laid plans?
This is what happens when you have hopelessly optimistic, haphazardly plans...
You get the end of the story first...
See I "meant" to make it all one giant post with chosen photos from the month in chronological order... all tidy like...
Then the lesson yesterday in church was about "simplifying".
So, yeah.
Note the day I started this post ... That's right a week ago.
I"m going post this and see if after posting mid-term grades, an evening class and parent teacher conference this week I can find some more time to add a few more.
So- here's Mr. Lincoln watching Horton Hears a Who" for the 765 time in gramma's bed.
It really IS a good one.
This outdoor business requires a LOT of effort
This is what happens when you have hopelessly optimistic, haphazardly plans...
You get the end of the story first...
See I "meant" to make it all one giant post with chosen photos from the month in chronological order... all tidy like...
Then the lesson yesterday in church was about "simplifying".
So, yeah.
Note the day I started this post ... That's right a week ago.
I"m going post this and see if after posting mid-term grades, an evening class and parent teacher conference this week I can find some more time to add a few more.
So- here's Mr. Lincoln watching Horton Hears a Who" for the 765 time in gramma's bed.

This outdoor business requires a LOT of effort
just to get the clothes on!

But mom!
The striped green sock doesn't go!

(Note the cool pink poodle on the scarf.)
Nice snow...

Posing with the snowman - Lincoln's not so sure about the placement of the carrots...
But THIS is good times!
He did NOT want to get off even when he was nearly frozen.
Should have tried for a photo BEFOREwe endured 3 hours of church.
Leyla is a word game natural.
This is what I saw when I looked over...Nice.
We went to Mackay to see the "fam".
The girls had a lot of fun, played with 30 year old puzzles.
It would appear one must wear boots and pink to play with trains.
Here's how Leyla feels
about wearing pink boots.
Reading is always good times.
Especially when there're dogs made out of vegetables.
All good things come to an end.
We spent the night before their flight home with Tyson and Angel.
Lincoln was up to some entertaining.

"See how I can stretch almost all the way out of my pj's? "Chloe is amazed.
AND I can reach every video if I get up on this.
Angel makes delicious cinnamon rolls!
Thanks for everything!
What do you mean they're leaving?!?
That's what I'm thinking too!
It was grand!
Let's do it again.
Simple is GRAND!
I've been looking forward to some holiday grandkid pics. Thanks!
Simplify ,hmm?
I'll see if I can work on that.
I bet it was a lovely visit!
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