This update is mostly for Chuck...
Because my descriptions don't always do justice...
This is the Cajun chicken etouffee Drew made for us last week when they came to visit.
It was Sooo tasty.
It went over mixed long grain brown and white steamed rice.
He can come cook for me anytime!
I'm not sure if Korven was more excited about the food
or the Cars plate and silverware he got to use.
Check out the shiner. What a stud.
After dinner Drew scared the pants off Korven repeatedly.
Wel, maybe not literally...but he thought it was great.
Here are the before and after photos of the re-worked turnaround.
No lilac.

Two more truck loads of fill and one of finer finish rock/dirt.
Before photo of the sprinkler pipes.
Finished view.
Lots more space to maneuver.
5 skunks were dispatched in the process of this venture-
but that's another stinky story...
Because my descriptions don't always do justice...
This is the Cajun chicken etouffee Drew made for us last week when they came to visit.

It went over mixed long grain brown and white steamed rice.
He can come cook for me anytime!

or the Cars plate and silverware he got to use.
Check out the shiner. What a stud.

Wel, maybe not literally...but he thought it was great.
Here are the before and after photos of the re-worked turnaround.

Two more truck loads of fill and one of finer finish rock/dirt.

Lots more space to maneuver.
5 skunks were dispatched in the process of this venture-
but that's another stinky story...
No offense, but that looks really gross. I mean I am sure it was very tasty, but it just doesn't look it. Maybe it's the green;)
On another note it looks like Korven did something to his eye in one of those pictures. Did Drew punch him again to show him who is boss?
Yeah, I can see what you're saying. The green only works for green eggs and ham right?!
Yes, Korven does have a shiner there. He fell into something at his "other" gramma's house. So, no liability issues there.
It looks so blank without the lilac! On the other hand... perhaps I will now actually try to use the turn around.
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