Saturday, January 24, 2009

This and That

Let's just say that this year is off to a FAST start! After Christmas break I had one week to finish up classes, then finals, and this week was the first week of a new semester. Sandwiched in there are the girls (it's been SO much fun to have them here:0), taking out our wood burning stove and installing a pellet stove purchased with the money from the sale of the snowmobile we only used once in two years. Let's not even go there... And a quick trip to the cabin last weekend.

We used snowshoes to get into to the cabin which was a first for me. (Yeah, that would have been an opportunity to use the snowmobile for a second time). I was a little leery about the physical aspect hiking in as I haven't taken the time to exercise since just before Christmas. I'm afraid I'd rather play with the girls while they're here than plod away on the treadmill. I WILL get back on track with the exercise.
There was actually quite a bit of snow though it was hard to tell sometimes because walking in the snowshoes you didn't break through the crust. But it really came home to me when we came around the final bend and I saw the 4 foot post Chuck had put on the border of our property and it only showed about a foot above the snow.

The cabin was pretty dry and intact. Though the weight of the 5 foot of snow had bent the metal front overhang on the porch. Look at that pile o snow and that was after MUCH melting.

Anyway, it all went really well. The weather was GORGEOUS! Sunny clear skies and the snowshoes worked really well. It took us a little over 2 1/2 hours to hike that 3 mile road and by the time we hit the 2 hour mark I was getting tired but we made it in just fine. It took a little while to get the fire going and the cabin warmed up (as well as my toes which were cold).
But it was so peaceful and lovely up there. I got right down to the business of relaxing right away and finished one book that afternoon and evening and another book the next day. Heaven!
We got up early Monday morning and it only took us an hour and a half to get out. It was cooler in the morning and by the time we got to the car my breath had coated my hair so that it looked like trees after a overnight heavy fog.We listened to audio books on the trip up and back. And I also got some reading done for some new lesson plans for school. I found a book that I really like that has some really useful lesson ideas for teaching graphic art. The book I got is an older version (1997) because it was cheaper. I'm thinking I may get the book as a classroom set. Depending on my budget money for next year that is...

I just downloaded the pictures from the camera and there are a lot of good ones.
As I said it's been a blast having the girls here and I have more than enough pictures to prove it. I probably should have done this as a second post. But after waiting for all the pics to download... I say NAH!

Poor poor pitiful me. We don't call Chloe the Drama Queen for nothin!
Before... After. Man that was some good ice cream!

A couple of pics for Celiac. . .
Leyla has these crazy double jointed fingers...

Doesn't this remind you of the Cistine chapel? (Though the wrist watch is a bit out of place...and the cabinets, and the tray... Oh all right it's not anything like it...

Leyla in the nanosecond before she ripped this cute hat off.
She HATES to have anything on her head.
Or feet for that matter.

Chloe being, well dramatic. But cute.

I bought two balloons for the girls. They played and fought over them for about a week.
That"s what I call value for $2.

Check out Leyla's first little ponytails. Sweet eh?

Ok. I pulled into the garage the other night and saw
Chloe and Leyla standing on the kitchen table.

Chloe was in her diaper and boots as shown. I knew it had been some kind of day. Is it just me or does Chloe have that runway strut down. And she seems concerned about her bodyfat too...
(Click on the pic to see it large and in all it's runway glory:0)

Leyla on the other hand is all about the sweets and even better if it's chocolate.

Ahhh... all my girls! I LOVE EM!


Pei-I Whittier said...

Wow, it LOOKS so fun to walk on the snow shoes but I bet you two were so tired after that. Nice to try the snow shoes first time, isn't it? Glad to hear the cabin is dry and survived from so many snow. We got lots of snow at MI this winter as well. Can't wait for the spring.

Happy Chinese New Year.

Lost Woman said...

AAAHHH, he pictures that go with the story.
I'm especially grateful for the pic of the girls.... and fingers.
It seems it is a difficult thing to take a BAD picture of those girls.
Too fun

My Angels said...

I LOVE all the pictures!! What a great way to start the year, it looks like you had a good long visits with the grand kids, I bet your missing them like crazy! Your cabin trip looked fun?? I'm not sure I would have been on board with the whole snowshoe thing, good for you for being such a trooper and good sport about it. No snow here, I just had a picnic at the park in 65 degree weather.

michandler said...

Can't believe there was still that much snow at your cabin! Pretty amazing. Seems like Chuck is always taking you on some adventure. Glad you survived it. Love the pictures of the girls. They definitely are photogenic. I'm sure it is nice for them to spend time with grandma & grandpa too!