It was suggested that perhaps I should do a post about the above featured critter, because the word verification was "kermi". Being the pleaser type that I am, and because red and green are not only complementary colors, but also Christmas colors I am complying. Plus whats not to like about an asexual puppet character eh? Actually, I am incredibly tired and avoiding a MOUNTAIN of "stuff" that I "should" be doing, whilst waiting for the last few hours of school/work to tick away. (Should I not be posting that? Will "Big Brother" come and take me away?!? Oh I hope someboday comes to take me away!)
So, Drew and Alicia made it here safely yesterday! Korven is ADORABLE! He is such a sweet, happy lil guy. Bri and Dom have arrived while I'm here at school pretending to care (there I go again...) And Kelsey and the girls are enroute. I'm thrilled to see them all. I just wish I wasn't so darn tired.
That tired thing...I'm getting tested for celiac again. I have been having some suspicious symptoms. I hope it's negative, but I have to say I'm not going to be surprised if it comes back positive. So, in the meantime I'm eating gluten like there is no tomorrow. No false negatives for me because of cutting back... yeah. That and it's holiday time and there are MOUNTAINS of food everywhere I go. Jumpin jellybeans. It's nuts!!!!
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! OH MY GOODNESS!!! I think I just peed my incredibly pregnant pants from laughing out loud so hard. "Plus what's not to like about an asexual puppet character eh?" That is so priceless that I need to needle point that on a pillow and have it on my couch for all to read. Aunt Karen, you are mother lovin hilarious.
Wish I could have spent today at work pretending I was busy. (Really) I'd rather do that than have to make up today this summer! But then I don't have exciting guest waiting for me at home. Enjoy the time off from school and being with all your kids & grandkids!
FYI, Spencer does not have a broken arm (thankfully). Strained ligament or possible bone chip. He's in a splint/sling until Tuesday when further assessment will be made.
Sounds like you are going to have a house full of fun for Christmas. Enjoy. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the tests come back negative
im not so sure about asexual. miss piggy would beg to differ
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