Saturday, December 13, 2008

AMAZING video!

Tyson sent me the site for a really cool video about the making of a glass Christmas tree for a festival of trees down in Utah. The video is 20 minutes long, but I found it fascinating... So, if you have twenty minutes check it out!

(At least I hope just posting that address will get you there.)


hectorscout said...

The link seems to work (just so you know). I thought you might like that... I also found it fascinating. I saw that it was twenty minutes long and figured I would watch the first minute or two to see what it was but ended up watching through the whole thing (I should have been working on a project that was a few hours away from due...).

Miguel said...
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Lindsy Hartsock said...

Hey! I just talked to my mom and she said you were talking about my blog the other day and you couldn't look at it anymore...sorry, the whole private thing has it's benefits, but I don't like shutting out people I know and love either :) So...if you want an invite shoot me an email at and I will send you one :)