Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yucky Dream

I just had a rude awakening. I "thought" I was awake and rolled over in bed only to find two giant rodents staring up at me. Then I WAS awake. Fortunately I hadn't screamed or alerted Chuck to the ROUSes (reference to Princess Bride there). And now I'm all hot and bothered. Don't want to read, just want to go to sleep. I guess another one of the quirks I have is a seroius dislike of mice. I have several vivid memories of uncomfortable encounters from childhood and besides being stinky little buggers that poop and eat stuff and get into walls, and burrow into stuff... They tend to scurry out unexpectedly. I don't find them cute -though I did enjoy Rattatoie - other than the two scenes where hordes of mice come flooding across the screen. Anyway, I'm not sure what triggered the rodent dream but am dismayed to find myself wide awake with visions of mice running around in my head. Good times eh?
(I don't know why it says I posted this at 10 something. It's now 12:30am)


Lost Woman said...

ahhh the ROUSes. That made me chuckle.
The dream however did not get that response from you.
Could it have anything to do with the giant pack rats at the cabin.... or the many mice you caught in the basement....??
Most likely it is those thing spinning out on a night when you could actually get 8hrs of sleep! AARG!!
I'm sorry it was a nasty night. I've had a couple myself lately, but they had to do with real police helicopters circling with spot lights at 3am. (for real)

Hope you sleep rodent free tonight!

michandler said...

The ROUS reference also made me smile. I too did not care for the two scenes in Ratatoulle with the hoards of rats (those were not mice). I don't have rat/mice dreams but snake dreams send me off! I can't say they have ever made me so awake that I went out and blogged in the middle of the night though!!

crazy lady said...

Oh, I have the snake dreams too. I hate it when there is any sort of snake thing in a movie or on TV because I am gauranteed at least one night of snake dreams.

SILLYA said...

You're a die-hard---

Bad dream = midnight blogging

You make me smile!

wallymom said...

Fat rouses. Glad they weren't really there. I kept waking up thinking there is something hanging on my closet that I forgot to take back to "Somewhere?". Not as dramatic as rodents, but I wake up stressed.