I’ve been tagged and am supposed to write “some” (7 or 8?!) interesting/unusual/quirky things about myself. That “sounds” easy enough. But, can I figure out that many things that are worth mentioning and aren’t just boring or nervous mannerisms and/or a product of the advancing years???…. I’ve really enjoyed reading what others have written so… let’s give it a go.
From the time I took typing as a freshman from crazy, alcoholic Mr. R in high school I have had the tendency to type words, conversations, song lyrics etc. in my head with fingers (and occasionally my toes) flying. At times it drives me nuts and I’ll try to stop it but to no avail. I’ve found it best to try and relax with it and I can stop it sooner. Occasionally I'll also still try to play the few piano songs I know in my head complete with the fingers moving. I can play/type fantastically in my head. Problem is I look like I’m possessed should with fingers or toes flying. I’m betting that others have done this? Or am I the only jittery weirdo? Hmmm…maybe I don’t want to know.
I am compulsive about reading and have been since I was little. Once I start a book I like I have NO restraint. I will do anything possible to continue reading. I used to hide behind the haystack at the ranch. When I was little I would take a flashlight and read under the covers til mom would remove my source of light. Then I discovered the wonders of the nightlight in the little girls’ bedroom. I spent countless nights sitting hunched under the nightlight reading the night through. I’m sure that was a contributing factor to some of the illnesses I had in high school. To this day I don’t usually allow myself to start a book unless I know I have a block of time that I can read it without having to stay up all night. Otherwise I’m up all night and Ohhh, so cranky . So mostly my reading is limited to long weekends, school breaks or summertime. That’s one of the reasons I LOVE to go to the cabin! I can read to my heart’s content and not feel like I'm neglecting “duties” or stuff I “should” be doing. Currently I have been using audio books to get my fix as I drive to and from work and around town. The only problem there is I’ve been known to drive extra miles so I can get to a good stopping point in the story. I KNOW I have siblings who can share similar tales.
I love the way sweaters and long sleeved shirts look, but cannot wear them. Used to be that just having something on my arms was the issue. Now it’s a combination of that AND heat issues. I can wear a long sleeved shirt for about ten minutes before I find myself messing with the sleeves and either rolling or pushing them up. Can't do the turtle neck or high collar thing either. So the above pic, while quite colorful is a triple whammy long sleeves, turtle neck and hot. I know my dad has never been a fan of the long sleeves – though I think he’s able to tolerate it a little more when it’s cold.
I have been known to sleep walk and talk “rather” extensively. I haven’t done it too much of late. But early on in our marriage Chuck had to deal with me waking him frantically from a deep sleep telling him that someone was coming through the roof, in the house, under the bed etc. Or he would wake to find me hunched in the closet rooting around, or on the floor looking for a leak, or an animal ….? Apparently I even installed a kitchen cupboard door in my sleep. Probably the most dramatic time was the infamous dead bodies in the basement incident… Good times. Oh, and if there’s fruit salad or pie in the house, I tend to consume whilst I’m sleeping. What a waste eh? If I’m going to consume it, I should at least be awake to taste it while I’m adding the calories to my backside don’t ya think?
Ok. I'm out of time ... and ideas for the moment.
I tag Celiac and Miste!!! Oh and Amy Jo, Brianne and Ali and yeah... whoever :0)
I had no idea about the typing thing!
Does you actually envision the letters or is it just magic fast typing?
The reading thing, well, you and I have talked about that at length. I think it is a family trait. I skipped school and hid out in the camper to read! OY!
Long sleeves and high necks also an issue, and I'm not even going into the heat thing just now.
Your sleepwalking is without a doubt the best though. Oh the tales I could tell between you and Aleta, the other family night walker.
Thanks for sharing!
I'll attempt to write something.
Thanks for sharing. It's interesting. I didn't know about the sleep walking. Sounds like maybe I've missed out on some good stories.
It's not so much "seeing" the keys, but yeah, I'm going according to the letters (or keys)and I do the shifts and control keys. I've even done some photoshop stuff with the keyboard shortcuts....
I think the compulsive reading thing is a family trait. I have stayed up late so many times to finish or get to a good stopping point in a book--I still do it on occasion. Not a sleepwalker but a sleeptalker as Dennis can attest. I will have to think about what to put in my blog.
Thanks for sharing...love to hear about the little things that make people who they are! I used to do the typing thing!!! After taking my typing class in high school, it became an obsession...how fast I could type... and I would practice when I got bored using my leg. Ater reading your blog, I noticed I don't do it anymore??? Wonder when it went away??? Would like to hear some of those sleep walking and talking stories...my mom is SCARY when she sleeps...she's a sleeptalker and we are all scared to sleep anywhere near her!!! Anyhoo....
I love the talking/walking in your sleep thing...my Rye is famous for the same thing. After watching Pirates of the Caribbean, she walked into our room terribly distraught. Asking, "what happened to Jack Sparrow's dog?" She was completely satisfied when we told her under muffled giggles, "Well I'm pretty sure the cannibals ate it." No memory at all...and it continues almost nightly-- I wish I would have kept a journal of all the things she has said over the years.
Great blog-- It was so good to see you last week-- unfortunate it had to be a a funeral...
I like reading all the "tagged" stories. Such interesting little tid bits that you would only find out through long late night chats...that we don't tend to get.
Reading yours reminds me of another one I have. Cracks on sidewalks or streets. I have to alternate which foot steps over the crack, because each steps adds an imaginary weight to that leg. so I end of lop sided, it is really annoying!!
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