I got frustrated early this week with some things that were happening in school. I wasn't able to go to an art teacher's meeting and in that meeting they decided to reduce our introductory art course to 12 weeks. Let me preface this with the fact that originally it was a 2 semester class, or 36 weeks. We cut it down to 1 semester, 18 weeks a couple of years ago to accommodate more students. It has been tough to get everything covered and I have been somewhat frustrated but have lived with it. We are now going to a trimester system next year and in the last meeting the general consensus was that it would be a 2 trimester class so we could adequately provide a good foundation for students who wished to take other art classes. The day after the meeting I was informed that they had all decided that it should be only trimester, 12 weeks, because they were afraid we wouldn't be able to fill our classes. I said" You're joking right?" When he replied to the contrary, I could feel myself flushing and hot anger surging through me. The more I thought about it the angrier I became. I sent out an email and stewed all night long. I woke up the next morning going over the ridiculousness if it all and how I knew it MUST be changed. Now keep in mind the other art teachers are all very opinionated, with strong personalities and I was expecting some feisty responses to my email. I got to work - no replies. Then Bob came in and tried to placate me about the courses, which once again caused the heat to rise. I finally broke away from him and then Robin the other art teacher came and was talking to me too. She was very kind and diplomatic. I could still feel a lot of emotion roiling around inside. Now Robin is a "close talker" (a la Seinfeld) and she leaned right in to me put her hand on my shoulder... And I thought "How nice that she is trying to comfort me". Then she said. "Honey... your shirt is on inside outside."
Sweet, eh? I just started to laugh. All the anger left me. The long and the short of it is that I have decided that I need to let go of it. Recognize that it isn't my job to make everything right. And bottom line, my job is to introduce the students to art and help them to gain an appreciation for it. So, I need to lighten up and get over myself. Oh, and make sure I check my seams before I walk out the door in the morning. . . . . .
I'm sorry that happened. It's frustrating I'm sure. I think they are cutting the arts way to much. One look one the bright side, at least your shirt wasn't open. :)
That's ridiculous. You told me about the shirt stuff, but I had to hear the rest of it from Aunt C. Just when you think the public school system can't get any worse... amazing.
Well... actually I HAVE been in school with my shirt open. Another classic tale from w-a-y back when Jaron was in grade school. I guess if you're me (or Celiac) you end up with humiliating stories for just about any occasion.... No wonder I'm losing my memory. It's a self preservation thing :0)
Oh the fear for the arts. Like you though I think I might have more fear for my coping mechanisms.
I LOVE that story, because I can just feel the moment Robin tells you your shirt is on backwards.
So glad you can laugh... and also look for ways to cope with the new challenges.
I always think that in the eternal scheme none of that matters at all.
I get mad about stuff I can't control too... but at least you have a funny ending!
I could see why that situation would be frustrating. That's funny about the shirt though. I actually wore a pair of undies all day before I realized they were inside out. Oh well, at least no one could see that.
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