Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well, here he is!!! Look at that boxer, ready to take on the world attitude! Thanks Jaron for getting a pic up on your blog. To see the proud mom and dad go here. I got to speak to Jenette for a few minutes this morning and it sounds like other than being majorly sleep deprived, she is doing fantastic. Her mom is there this week and next and is helping so Jaron can cram for his big test. I'm so excited to go out next Saturday and see them and get to hold this little guy. I can hardly stand it.
Today I get to go down to SLC for Angel's and Tyson's baby shower. I did get the quilt done. I think it turned out pretty decent - arthritic thumbs and all. I also got the big metal bulletin boards done. No small feat. Two 4X5 feet boards framed and screwed together. My hands will take a while to recover from that as well. But, I think they'll be great for Angel's classroom and I'm glad I could do something that will actually be useful for her.
Anyway, best get moving - things to do places to go... yadda, yadda...


Lost Woman said...

Hey, are you going to post a picture of said quilt and boards??

you know I always make more work for you!

wallymom said...

I want to see the quilt and boards too, you creative woman. Cute baby.