Ahh - First learn stand, then learn fly. Nature rule, Daniel-san, not mine. Miyagi , Karate Kid

Well, ya see, sir I understand you're lookin' for sparrin' partners for Apollo, and I jus' want ta let ya know that I am very available.
Rocky Balboa - Rocky

Whatchoo you talkin bout Willis? Arnold , Different Strokes.
Oh yeah , girls with attitude!
daring baby girls. Congrats to Kelsey and Juan! Good braggin Grandma Karen
"Does she care for olives?" Mrs. Jennings- Sense and Sensibility
First movie quote that came to mind.
The pics are great and the quotes ever so appropriate. Clever grandma, clever mommy.....genius babies.
Karen you are hilarious!! I don't even know what else to say. I laughed my head off especially at the first one...ahh grasshopper. I love it!
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