Last night Chuck and I went to the fair with friends to attend the Chicago concert. I'm sure going to a concert on a work day night would have sounded better when I was younger. Ironically, the band would have sounded much better when I was younger too. We had really great seats and the weather was pleasant with the occasional hint of a breeze. The band came out and the crowd greeted them enthusiastically. They started up with one of their "recent hits". The music throbbed though me from head to toe and I clutched my ears wishing fervently I that I had earplugs. Chuck pulled a napkin from his pockets and we both hurriedly produced clumsy wads to mute the noise. Now, don't get me wrong, Chicago has an amazing, distinctive brass section. That part was consistently phenomenal. It was the singing that created the dismay. Many of the members were original and the band is 40 years old with some 30 different albums to their credit. Long story short, I liked the instrumental portions immensely and a few of the original songs where the voices weren’t too strained. But, there were a few sung parts where it was merely tolerance or grim endurance on my part. One of the “old” guys was the worst and when they showed him on the two big screens he reminded me of Jack from Nightmare before Christmas. Skinny, scrawny legs, non-existent butt and cadaver head with screechy, raspy voice to match. The rest of the band actually looked pretty good for their ages. I’m not sure if the experience means that I’m too old to go to live concerts or that I just need to go to bands that are still in their prime? (I am jealous of J&J's concert last evening in VA. (Click on Jenette's blog to get the details)
All in all, in spite of my derisive comments, it was an enjoyable evening, as I spent time with Chuck and friends, ate some “fair” food – hoagie complete with grilled onions, homemade bread with raspberry honey, and arrived home well before midnight. (The screechy guy is the one in the dark green shirt in the back right side - and may I just say that he looks fantastic there compared to last night.)
The fair sounds fun! The food is always the best part. Sorry to hear the concert wasn't better, but I guess those boys are getting pretty old. It sounds like they don't want to except that fact. Our fair has come and gone and we didn't even go. I think they had some country star at ours, and I'm not a fan of it. By the way, the old man and I both passed our PT tests today. Whoo hoo.
Your concert sounds fun too...well except for skeletor ruining it. You would think the other band mates would kick him out or just turn off his microphone or something.....I am glad you had fun though! The food sounds yummy.
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