After a mostly uneventful trip down (other than those ten sweaty, minutes when I was slogging up the non working escalator and frantically scurrying from gate B13 to B5 to catch the flight from Dallas to Corpus clutching a take out box of Cousins barbecue, with my backpack slamming into my back and images of me having a coronary with barbecue still stuck in my teeth running through my mind)... I arrived in Corpus and my bag was actually the very first one out!

Is this a cute little family or what?!?

And just look at this cute girl! She is so tiny and adorable it just slays me! Of course I got here and promptly wrapped her up all snug in the her blanket. Old habits from working in the nursery days. She doesn't seem to mind- she is a sweet little thing- seems more mellow than Chloe was those first weeks. But, then she can breath while she's nursing- Chloe couldn't do that very well for some reason. Anyway, she is a little snuggle buns and I love holding her.

See what a tiny little jelly bean she is. And check out those crazy long fingers will ya! Piano player. Kelsey was patting her back and watching some Home Movies episodes. Good times. (Doesn't Kelsey look good!?!)

Miss Chloe is still as adorable as ever and into stuff at every moment. Here she is getting into the infamous bathroom drawer to get some jewelery. She's got to have some bling -bracelets and necklaces and she's still got a thing for my watch.

In fact I showed her how her little toy connector things fit on her wrist and she promptly put all seven of them on at once.

Then I showed her how they could almost fit on her feet. She promptly got up and ran around the room with them on. I'm not so sure it's a good sign that she is willing to endure pain to "look good" at such a young age. But she doesn't seem to to too much worse for the wear. I'm SO happy to be here! We had a fun day today in spite of getting caught in a downpour (Chloe and I were at Radio Shack) And I'm looking forward to more fun tomorrow!
Those are some great pics. I'm glad you made it to TX all right. It looks like you're having a good time with the grandkids and kids for that matter. Have fun and have a safe trip home!
So glad you made it! I hope all goes well this week. It will be a break for both of you!!
Thank you so much for posting all of these pictures. They are both little angels. I am so glad you got there safe and can't wait to see more pictures. Have a nice time and give everyone a hug for me.
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