Thursday, May 24, 2007


So, I FINALLY got the camera, the cord and batteries together all in the same place so I could download files to the computer. A simple task one might think. HA!! Not for me! I am feeling pretty smug to have that accomplished this early in the morning :0)
So, the image of the iris above is my favorite. I have some other really spectacular looking ones with variegated colors, dramatic coloring, etc. But, this particular type is my favorite because of its color and the beauty of its form, but mostly it’s just the color. Cerese what is the name of that color? Periwinkle? I love it when the irises are in bloom. They are so amazing and they smell pretty darn good too!

Well, I have several other photos to share. The first is of the “cupola” for Kelsey. It is going to go on top of our 8 sided octagonal cabin. Chuck has been pondering, searching and brainstorming what to do use to provide the finishing touch instead of just a flat center. And this is the end of the search. He thought it came with a vane on top, but no. So, now he is on to the search for the perfect topper. I suggested a pig, or possibly a big ole pack rat? Those of you that know the story, there IS a reason for that rat comment. He was thinking more along the lines of a wooden ball.
These photos are of the tile and kind of the layout that will most likely go on the front entryway where the slick marble used to be. The large tile is 13” and then the smaller stuff is 2” and 1”. I “think” I have a layout figured so that there will only be one actual cut that has to be done. At least on the entry way. We have also chosen a carpet style. It was a compromise that I think both Chuck and I can live with. It is a little scary when you have to choose from a 6 inch sample. I took it out into the sunlight, under florescent and under the lighting in the living room. Hopefully it won’t have too grey, brown or off white of a tone to it. Yeah, I don’t want too much – I want it to be light, match any color, oh, and not show any dirt of course!
Today is the last day for seniors and test taking time. This year’s class is overall one of the most apathetic group of kids I’ve ever seen. They will probably have to cancel their senior breakfast due to lack of interest. It’s sad because there are a few kids who are really great, bright and fun. Unfortunately, they are FAR outnumbered.


Kelsey said...

That tile is REALLY pretty, and the design is cool, too. And you can't beat only having to make one cut. Thanks for the picture of the coupela. I was imagining something with a much steeper incline, like a church steeple. Good thing it's not a church steeple.

Tyson and Angel said...

If it were a church steeple the Chuck would want to go to the church of the lonesome pines or whatever every Sunday. He would be somewhat justified then.